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What you need to know about Relationships

A loving relationship

I am a dreamer. I want to do so many things. Thoughts about me settling have never really crossed my mind, until when I see my married cousins. They share the most beautiful relationship, to see them go through everything together, supporting each other, having cute little things in life — just seemed perfect.

I aimed to lead a independent well to do life, to never marry anyone — why have all that drama in my life, I always wondered. Today when I realize what life is — it’s that beautiful bond you have with someone (well not completely)- but definitely a part of it. It’s being all in for each other, calling them family and treating them like a part of yourself.

Relationships are supposed to be challenging, it helps you grow, it makes you realize that you need to learn how to adjust in life. That’s why you have partners. That’s why god send’s you in pairs, for you to understand that you cannot be selfish, that you need to learn to sacrifice, that everything is not only about you.

I was looking to get married — because I wanted to, but I say to myself — this is where I need to move on to the next phase of my life, but it’s also not very practical — I still need to learn, grow and I deserve to have those solo trips, or go on a experience extraordinary search for my soul, because I want to. There’s no hurry — we’re all here and if it’s meant to happen it will.

What I fear is — the modern age relationships everybody has — oh this didn’t work out, no issues — I ll find someone else, at the first breakup. All though I am exactly the person described, I want to push myself to say no — no to misunderstandings, or no to fights, or no to arguments, no to giving up easily, no to letting go so fast. I want to tell my self — this is it. You and I — we’re all we need. I don’t want to be in it just for the heck of it anymore — oh well, look I had 10 relationship’s before I found the one.

I think finding the one is a matter of your mind. If you think it is the right time, you have found the one — on the contrary if you have insecurities, you might never be able to find the one. So finding the one may just be a state of your mind.

I went to this Eminem concert recently — I saw so many beautiful people and it was definitely soul filled. The world has 12293293801290823 people, so many many beautiful, booti-ful too haha, it’s who you decide, it’s when you decide and it’s about why you decide.

Everything isn’t about beauty, it’s about who you choose to vibe with, who is that one person that you think you want to grow with — this is free will. You work on your relationships, you keep calling them beautiful and cute maybe haha. You keep telling yourself, they are the best and when you give people that feeling — it really creates this amazing energy inside them. It makes them feel beautiful from inside, and then they automatically feel lovely outside. When people feel lovely, they tend to give that love, it’s because it’s overflowing in them.

You can choose to get bored with someone’s face — because you have seen them one too many times, but you can choose to also love them more — and keep taking your mind to the feeling when you saw them first and how grateful you are to have them in your life. They really are giving you their time and it’s very important to value them for it. It show’s your character.

Now, I have been wanting to have a relationship with someone but I also want everything that I dreamed of — so what can you do in life when you want two things, just get them at different times is the conclusion I came to.

I think, long distance relationships can work, heck if you want them to. This I say after having a failed one. I still believe it, because your experiences shouldn’t make you change your outlook on life. They should make you learn, but not curse life and tell her — that this is what will always happen. You do need a lot of things, such as patience, understanding, love, support, time. It’s the effort you’re willing to put for what is worth it.

I believe life makes you meet the right people at the right time, and also gives you a specific allotted time with each one. With you parents and with your life partner too. You never know what may happen. So make the best out of each and every moment. I want to believe that I have a very good life, I love this unsettling feeling of yearning for him to come down so I could hug him tight, or wanting him to be around, but this is what life is — it teaches you patience through yearning, it’s how you get through it.

When you’re in college you want to earn, when you are earning — you want to save and can’t wait to buy a house, around that time, maybe you yearn for a partner, you yearn to lose weight or gain weight. This is like a churning process. It’s how you cope. So yes, I don’t mind the yearning — I don’t mind waiting for him to come down — because it ll be worth every bit.

I don’t believe in signs — but when you see one, don’t avoid or run from it.

How do you make choices?

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